Monday, August 24, 2009

Mediterraneand salad

Yup, another salad. What can I say? It's summer and they're delicious!

This salad mix is my basic lunch fallback when I don't want to have to think too much about ingredients or flavor combinations. Right now I'm probably eating it a couple of times a week:

I like to think of the flavor theme as vaguely Mediterranean, but really it's just good.

You'll need (for a 1-person meal sized salad):

6 leaves red leaf lettuce, washed and chopped
1 roma tomato, sliced
1/2 green bell pepper, sliced
1/2 red bell pepper, sliced
1/2 cucumber, peeled. Slice the cucumber into thin pieces and quarter them to get the look here.
2 tbsp hummus
handful chopped scallions

To assemble: You can toss everything together or go for a fancier assembly (pictured above). I place the lettuce on a plate and spread it evenly across the surface (not mounded in the center). Then arrange the vegetables. Here, the peppers form the base of the vegetable topping, arranged to lie like bicycle wheel spokes. The tomato goes next, forming a ring around the middle of the plate. Finally, place the cucumbers in a mound inside the tomatoes, and leave a small depression for the hummus. I had quite a bit of cucumber so I also put some around the outside of the tomatoes. Finally, spoon the hummus onto the cucumbers and top with scallions.

Say grace, dig in, and enjoy!

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